Jobs Obanikoro

Responsible for rendering services to esteemed customers on varying degrees such as serving drinks, ushering guests to appropriate seat/tables, providing the hotel menu to receive their requests and such other services as may deem fit by the management. Go
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Responsible for reconciling the company's account, preparing annual account, budgets and estimated expenditure. Prepares workers salary and pay roll evaluates the company's assets, appreciated and depreciated properties of the company. must possess minimum
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We develope and distributes pharmaceuticals products. We use trusted contract manufacturing partners to manufacturer our products whic we distribute in the Nigeria and overseas either directly or via distribution partners. We're committed to the highest
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GET OUT OF DEBTS AND LIVE A BETTER LIFE SPELL; Are you having sleepless nights and restless days? Do you owe lots of people or people owe you too much. Stop worrying about anything like that. Get people to pay you to zero balance/ pay you debts. To zero
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